Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) was such a great personality that the title given to him by his contemporary Ulama was “Sheikhul Mashaikh” which means the leader of leaders.
His personality was well respected by the Ulama of the sub continent India and Pakistan and also by the Arab Ulama. That is why his title was also Sheikhul Arab wa Ajam (the leader of the Arabs and non-Arabs).
Haji Sahib’s background and educationHaji Imdadullah Muhaajir Makki (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) was born in 1233 AH (1814 AD) in Nanota, a town in the district of Saharanpur, India U.P. He father was Hafiz Muhammad Amin (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) and by lineage and ancestral background, Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) was a Farooqi, a descendent of Hadhrat Umar Farooq (Radiyallahu anhu).When he was born, his father Hafiz Muhammad Amin (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) kept his son’s name Imdad Hussein. When the famous Muhaddith, Shah Muhammad Ishaaq Sahib (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) heard this name, he didn’t like it and he changed the name to Imdadullah. Imdad Hussein means the assistance of Hussein. All assistance comes from Allah. So there was a form of shirk in this name.
Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) also used to attribute the name Khuda Bakhsh to himself. Some say his name was Imdadullah and others say his name was Khuda Bakhsh (gifted by Allah). Both names are close in meaning. In some places Haji Sahib calls himself Abdul Kareem (the slave of Kareem).
Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) had three brothers and one sister. He grew up without motherly care as his mother passed away when he was seven years old. Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) started his education very early but he acquired very little education.
His personality was well respected by the Ulama of the sub continent India and Pakistan and also by the Arab Ulama. That is why his title was also Sheikhul Arab wa Ajam (the leader of the Arabs and non-Arabs).
Haji Sahib’s background and educationHaji Imdadullah Muhaajir Makki (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) was born in 1233 AH (1814 AD) in Nanota, a town in the district of Saharanpur, India U.P. He father was Hafiz Muhammad Amin (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) and by lineage and ancestral background, Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) was a Farooqi, a descendent of Hadhrat Umar Farooq (Radiyallahu anhu).When he was born, his father Hafiz Muhammad Amin (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) kept his son’s name Imdad Hussein. When the famous Muhaddith, Shah Muhammad Ishaaq Sahib (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) heard this name, he didn’t like it and he changed the name to Imdadullah. Imdad Hussein means the assistance of Hussein. All assistance comes from Allah. So there was a form of shirk in this name.
Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) also used to attribute the name Khuda Bakhsh to himself. Some say his name was Imdadullah and others say his name was Khuda Bakhsh (gifted by Allah). Both names are close in meaning. In some places Haji Sahib calls himself Abdul Kareem (the slave of Kareem).
Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) had three brothers and one sister. He grew up without motherly care as his mother passed away when he was seven years old. Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) started his education very early but he acquired very little education.
When Haji Sahib was 16 years of age, he studied Sarf, Nahw, Farsi and one quarter of Mishkaat Shareef by Maulana Mamlook Ali Sahib (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) of Delhi. Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki didn’t study Bukhari and the other books of Sihah Sitta, but Allah Ta’ala blessed Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) with Ilm Ladunni. One is that knowledge that a person acquires. He studies different subjects and books. Another form of knowledge is from Allah Ta’ala without studying.
When Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) would talk to the Ulama, he would resolve such intricate issues with the insight that Allah Ta’ala had given him. However, he would not use the Istilaahi language (academic terminologies). This is Ilm La Dunni.
When Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) would talk to the Ulama, he would resolve such intricate issues with the insight that Allah Ta’ala had given him. However, he would not use the Istilaahi language (academic terminologies). This is Ilm La Dunni.
When he was 18 years of age he took bayat upon the hands of Maulana Naseeruddin Sahib (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) who was the student and son-in-law of Shah Ishaaq Sahib (Rahmatullahi Alayhi). When Maulana Naseeruddin Sahib (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) passed away, Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) was looking for another person to give him guidance and advice in life.
This is where we learn of the famous Sheikh and the spiritual guide, Hadhrat Maulana Mayanji Noor Muhammad (Rahmatullahi Alayhi). Haji Sahib took bayat on his hands. At the age of 28, Haji Imdadullah (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) performed Hajj. When he returned after Hajj, his heart and mind remained attached to the Haram Shareef. He had a burning desire to return to Makkah Mukarramah. When he returned from Hajj, he made a firm intention that one day he will make Hijrah and go back to Makkah Mukarramah.
This is where we learn of the famous Sheikh and the spiritual guide, Hadhrat Maulana Mayanji Noor Muhammad (Rahmatullahi Alayhi). Haji Sahib took bayat on his hands. At the age of 28, Haji Imdadullah (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) performed Hajj. When he returned after Hajj, his heart and mind remained attached to the Haram Shareef. He had a burning desire to return to Makkah Mukarramah. When he returned from Hajj, he made a firm intention that one day he will make Hijrah and go back to Makkah Mukarramah.
There were approximately 500 or more Ulama who have taken bayat upon the hands of Haji Imdadullah Sahib (Rahmatullahi Alayhi). Not one Alim, 10 Alims or 100 but 500 Ulama. When we look at the lives of the Akaabir we don’t find so many Ulama who have taken bayat upon somebody who outwardly and apparently has very little traditional knowledge.
Haji Sahib married at the very old age of 55. He married three times. The first wife passed away. The second wife was blind. The third was a woman who wanted to make his khidmat (serve him). But, all his marriages were in old age and he only married with this intention that you can’t be a true Wali of Allah until you don’t make Nikah.
Haji Sahib passed away in 1317 AH (1896 AD) at the ripe old age of 84. In his inheritance he had one stick, two sets of winter clothes and two sets of summer clothes. Haji Sahib is buried in Makkah Mukarramah in Jannatul Maala.
Haji Sahib passed away in 1317 AH (1896 AD) at the ripe old age of 84. In his inheritance he had one stick, two sets of winter clothes and two sets of summer clothes. Haji Sahib is buried in Makkah Mukarramah in Jannatul Maala.
Kya Hazrat Imdadullah sahib ki koi olaad thi?
hazrat imdhadullah shahib is quthub and it his time greatest mujadhidh .
hazrat imdhadullah shahib is quthub.
hazrat imdadullah sahib is the greatest spritual leader and to spread the tharika of chisthia after ajmer khwaja moinudeen chisthi (rah)
After the haji shaheb, the chisthia thariqa spread in tamilnadu for Arani bawa (Mowlavi Muhammad Kamaluddin Baqavi) He is the great Quthb-ul- Aqthab of his time.
After the haji shaheb, the chisthia thariqa spread in tamilnadu for Arani bawa (Mowlavi Muhammad Kamaluddin Baqavi) He is the great Quthb-ul- Aqthab of his time
After the haji shaheb, the chisthia thariqa spread in tamilnadu for Hakim Gulam Muhammad shaheb Arani bawa (Mowlavi Muhammad Kamaluddin Baqavi)and H both are very greatest Quthb-ul- Aqthab of that time.After them Shaykh Sathakathulla Bawa Tiruchi guide to the people in tamilnadu.
After the haji shaheb, the chisthia thariqa spread in tamilnadu for Hakim Gulam Muhammad karuri shaheb Arani bawa (Mowlavi Muhammad Kamaluddin Baqavi)and H both are very greatest Quthb-ul- Aqthab of that time.After them Shaykh Sathakathulla Bawa Tiruchi guide to the people in tamilnadu.
After the haji shaheb, the chisthia thariqa spread in tamilnadu for Hakim Gulam Muhammad karuri shaheb and Arani bawa (Mowlavi Muhammad Kamaluddin Baqavi)and H both are very greatest Quthb-ul- Aqthab of that time.After them Shaykh Sathakathulla Bawa Tiruchi guide to the people in tamilnadu
After the haji shaheb, the chisthia thariqa spread in tamilnadu for Hakim Gulam Muhammad karuri shaheb He is the great Quthb-ul- Aqthab of his time
After the haji shaheb, the chisthia thariqa spread in tamilnadu for Hakim Gulam Muhammad karuri shaheb He is the great Quthb-ul- Aqthab of his time
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